Tuesday, November 26, 2019
WEEK 7 DIS POST REPLY Example WEEK 7 DIS POST REPLY – Article Example Mental Health Mental Health First Post A normal person is one who can ethically reason and act based on independent or rational thoughts without influence by other factors. Currently, a majority of people in their lifetime have been diagnosed to be having depression, anxiety, mood disorder among other conditions (WebMD, 2015). For instance, at the workplace, a colleague staff often acts rude and performs poorly. Her excuse for the wrong code of conduct is being bipolar. However, it depicts being abnormal because practicing counters the recommended work structure or ethics is a form of insanity. Therefore, normality means functioning morally.Second PostA mentally healthy person has the ability and mandate to differentiate right and wrong and to tell between reality and imagery. Having a mental disorder does not imply an individual is mentally unhealthy. For instance, there are individuals who have suffered various disorders but they live healthy lives. They seek proper medication and counselling hence mentally healthy. There are distinct differences between a mentally unhealthy and socially abnormal individual. An individual is socially abnormal if he or she refuses to conform to traditional cultures such as dressing in a peculiar manner (Curtis, 2010). It, therefore, does not depict that one is mentally unhealthy because he knows he is aware of his actions.Third PostOne who is psychologically healthy or sane knows the distinction between right and wrong and understands people’s behaviors and motives. A normal person is rational, does not intend harm to others, do not take their ideas to extreme or impose on others, and significantly passive life averagely (Kramer, 2009). On the contrary, abnormality entails being odd and having unusual behaviors and conducts. Dressing for a congregation or a convention in whatever manner does not depict abnormality because it may be the policy of the conference. Therefore, normality means doing what is right from wrong.R eferencesCurtis, S. (2010). Space, place and mental health. Farnham, Surrey, England: Ashgate Pub.Kramer, P. (2009). What Is Normal?. Retrieved on June 25, 2015 from https://www.psychologytoday.com/articles/200910/what-is-normalWebMD. (2015). Mental Health Center. Retrieved on June 25, 2015 from webmd.com/mental-health/
Saturday, November 23, 2019
How to Make a Smoke Bomb Fountain Firework
How to Make a Smoke Bomb Fountain Firework Kick the traditional smoke bomb recipe up a notch to make a firework fountain that shoots purple flames with lots of smoke. This is a fun and easy homemade firework project. Plus, its economical. You can get a long-lasting display for quite a lot less money than it would cost to purchase a fountain firework. Smoke Bomb Fountain Materials SugarPotassium nitrate (sold as saltpeter or stump remover)Toilet paper tubeAluminum foil Construct the Smoke Bomb Fountain This is the traditional homemade smoke bomb, except instead of making small cookie-sized smoke bombs, you pour the smoke bomb mixture into a toilet paper tube. You wrap the outside of the tube with foil so that the smoke and fire will escape out the top of the tube. Finally, you take the fountain outside and light the edge of the toilet paper tube. Wrap the bottom and sides of an empty toilet paper tube with aluminum foil. The purpose of the foil is to direct the fountain upward.In a skillet, mix together 1/2 cup of sugar with 1/2 cup of potassium nitrate.Stir the mixture over medium heat.Continue cooking the smoke bomb fountain mixture until it is brown and well-mixed.Remove the mixture from heat and pour or spoon it into the foil-wrapped tube. Allow the tube to cool so you can handle it.Take the fountain firework outdoors and place it on a fire-safe surface, away from trees or buildings.Light the toilet paper tube on fire with a long-handled lighter or match. Move away from the fountain.After the firework is done, douse the area with water to make sure the fire is out. Disclaimer: Please be advised that the content provided by our website is for EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY. Fireworks and the chemicals contained within them are dangerous and should always be handled with care and used with common sense. By using this website you acknowledge that ThoughtCo., its parent About, Inc. (a/k/a Dotdash), and IAC/InterActive Corp. shall have no liability for any damages, injuries, or other legal matters caused by your use of fireworks or the knowledge or application of the information on this website. The providers of this content specifically do not condone using fireworks for disruptive, unsafe, illegal, or destructive purposes. You are responsible for following all applicable laws before using or applying the information provided on this website.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Environment and corporate culture Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Environment and corporate culture - Essay Example Proactive thinking and adaptive strategy buildings is core concepts which can help organizations implement a culture within an organization to cope up with the fast moving developments. Organization facing a turbulent environment must have an adaptive culture in order to keep pace with the changing conditions of market. It is essential for every organization to trace the changing condition and come up with back strategies if they wish to survive in the industry. There are number of products and services available in market, the one who comes up with innovative and adaptive strategies can survive the competition. Nowadays, there are number of consulting agencies, which are providing their services to organization. These agencies help organization in developing appropriate strategies and culture of themselves. Some of them include Toffler Associates, Bloom Institute Inc etc. Toffler Associates have prepared a benchmark criterion for companies so that they can initiate Adaptive Culture in their organization. This criterion emphasize primarily on five major areas. In order to make an organization adaptive, an organization needs to make changes in the following five areas: i. People ii. Process iii. Strategy iv. Structure v. Technology Any organization can tap these five areas in order to pursue the Adaptive Culture. The status at which a company needs to stand in order portray as an Adaptive Cultured organization has been clearly mentioned in the reports of Toffler Associates. In order to meet the global challenges of 21st century, every company has to possess some degree of adaption. In this paper, that company is going to be discussed which has now become very prominent due to its technological innovation and instant adaption. The name of this company is â€Å"Apple Inc.†Apple Inc has surpassed almost all the major technological oriented company when it comes to adaption and innovation. A detailed description of the adaption of Apple Inc has been mentione d in the subsequent sections of this paper. Adaptive Culture at Apple Inc Corporate culture defines the particular set of norms and values shared by people and groups of every organization. Every organization defines the goals that are to be achieved as well as the standards of behavior for accomplishing these goals. It is the responsibility of the management to define and communicate these goals organization-wide. By taking an example of Apple Inc, it can be stated that despite of number of changes in the chief executive level of the company, Apple Inc has maintained its corporate culture, which had been introduced when the company was founded in 1970s. By looking at the historical performance of the company, it can be said that the company has managed to keep a mix of two of the most important cultures: i. Innovative Culture ii. Adaptive Culture At the beginning, to certain extent, the culture of the company was Individualistic, which means that it put emphasis on the personal emp owerment and creativity of individuals. Concerning to the challenges and situations of 21st century, the top management of the company has revised their strategies. Therefore, the initial rebellious, riotous and individualistic culture has been converted into emerging, innovative and adaptive culture. However, the core values of the company have stayed
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
International Business Negotiation Case Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
International Business Negotiation Case - Essay Example out of business. In addition, because Eurodata is more successful than Tanaka, coming up with the best deal is important because the competition will be formidable. Systrop S.A. could also decide to seek a licensing agreement with Tanaka. The pros of this choice involve allowing Systrop S.A. to use a proven technology by paying a license fee instead of incurring the costs of maintenance and development of the technology. In addition, Tanaka will also get a good deal because they will get a return without incurring costs, which will help Systrop in negotiations. The cons of licensing include the fact that Systrop S.A. will be dependent on Tanaka with regards to technology, while Tanaka could also use this for negotiation of better terms (Wolter 57). Systrop S.A. possess some extra resources in relation to the other players. First, it has grown into a position of prominence in the micro-analyzer industry, compared to Tropimatics that has dealt more with computers than micro-analyzers in particular (Wolter 65). Systrop S.A. also has a well renowned brand name when it comes to micro-analyzers in Tropicalia, while it has also been exporting its micro-analyzers compared to the other companies seeking joint ventures with big micro-analyzer companies. Issues that Systrop could be flexible in include ownership and pricing of technology. Those issues that they should be firm on include financing, local content and exports, and their ability to take up government incentives (Wolter
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Night Essay Example for Free
Night Essay Compare the hanging of the â€Å"youth from Warsaw†and the hanging of the â€Å"sad eyed angel†and explain, using evidence from there and elsewhere in Night, why Elie Reacted differently to the two hangings. Elie Wiesel’s Night is a memoir of his horrifying childhood experiences of suffering as a Jew in the concentration camps. Eliezer was found to suffer in many camps, and during this time he witnessed the daily sufferings and deaths of many humans. His faith faltered as a result, and after so much pain he grew apathetic to the withering away of mortal life. By the end of the book nothing really surprises Elizer anymore because he knew anything could happen at any moment. However, Eliezer’s reaction towards hanging of the â€Å"youth from Warsaw†was different from the hanging of the â€Å"sad eyed angel. †Eliezer’s faith faltered daily when he witnesses the death of many innocent lives including the hanging of the youth from Warsaw, but he never loses his hope or questions the existence of God until he witnesses the hanging of the â€Å"sad eyed angel. †Eliezer witnesses many death during his time in concentration camps, and he never wept once, even when he witnesses the hanging of the youth from Warsaw. This young boy is described as tall and strong. Supposedly, he had stolen something during the alert in the concentration camp. Looking back at his execution, Eliezer expresses his feeling about the hanging saying that it â€Å"upset him deeply†(Wiesel 62) in a way quite distinct from his knowledge of the thousands who died daily in the camps. Elizer was disturb by the hanging because he did not lost all of his faith and hope, he still have humanity so that’s why he feels upset when he witness people die, deep in his heart faith and hope were just broken, now after witness the hanging of the youth from Warsaw he found the broken pieces of hope that is why that evening after the execution he finds â€Å"the soup tasted better than ever†(Wiesel 63). Another reason that Eliezer finds the soup taste better is because he was actually grateful that it was not him or his father toward the execution. Elizer realize that death is everywhere in concentration camp, and it could be either him or his father next time standing on the gallows. He is thankful that he still alive at that moment and can is still eating his ration of soup, although he knows that he could be in line next to get hang in the gallows. Eliezer also felt the youth from Warsaw brought the death on themselves. He realizes that there are rules in the concentration camp that you can never disobey, if you break the rules in the camp, you will be killed. Where is merciful God, where is He? †(Wiesel 64) It was another day when Eliezer return from work and roll call begins. There were three gallows for three prisoners that are going to be hang on the gallows for conspiring to blow up the electric power station, but among the three prisoners there is a little pipel in the middle, the sad eyed angel. At every hanging, no one in the audience will ever shed a tear or weep, but the hanging of the sad eyed angel affected not only Eliezer but many others. During the execution all eyes were on the child, the two men died immediately, but the child was too light â€Å"and so he remained for more than half an hour, lingering between life and death. †(Wiesel 65) The hanging pained Eliezer so much and it makes him wonder how God can be present in a world with such cruelty, he question the present of God and when he heard a voice saying â€Å"For God’s sake, where is God? †(Wiesel 65) he answers â€Å"Where He is? This is where –hanging here from this gallows†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (Wiesel 65). Following the death of the sad eyed angel Eliezer thinks that was the death of God as well. â€Å"That night, the soup tasted of corpses†(Wiesel 65), after witness the hanging of the sad eyed angel Wiesel finds the soup tasted like corpses and also like death, the death of God. The sad eyed angel represent a symbol of silent which God is presents as in the novel Night. God was a symbol of silence in the novel because when Eliezer and the other Jewish people cries out for God’s aid and mercy, their please were left unanswered. The God in Night did not save them from cruelty and death, God has remained silence throughout the novel, so when the angel was hanged Eliezer’s relates the death of angel to the death of God, as he meant that God was hanging upon the gallows and had abandoned them. Eliezer realizes that the Nazis were coming closely to destroy his faith in God and so he was unable to enjoy anything because he thinks that life, hope, and joy could not be reach because all goodness had been destroyed. â€Å"I’ve got more faith in Hitler than in anyone else. He’s the only one who’s keeping his promises, all his promises to the Jewish people†Wiesel 81) Hitler the ultimate evil was conquering the good Jewish people every day through death and destruction. To Eliezer there was no hope for life and no chance for survival. He thinks God had abandoned them because there seems to be no end to evil. After witness the hanging of the sad eyed angel, Eliezer was constantly being reminded of death, he feels like death was everywhere in the camp, and when he were forced to watch the hanging of the sad eyed angel, which appeared to be innocent and full of hope, he feels that he was forced to watch innocence and hope die in front of him. As Eliezer watched the young pipel struggle between life and death he felt that the boy was innocent and he did not deserve to suffer. Eliezer and the young pipel were around the same age, so when he witnesses the hanging of the young pipel he felt as he shared the pipel’s pain and suffering and that he was suffering from a slow painful spiritual death as well. The hanging of the young pipel pained Eliezer so much because he knew he could not rescue him. In Elie Wiesel’s Night the author present a significance of the hanging and the brutal elements of the surroundings in the concentration camp. He express that evening â€Å"the soup tasted better than ever†(Wiesel 63) after he witness the hanging of the youth from Warsaw, and yet after he witness the hanging of the sad eyed angel â€Å"the soup tasted of corpse. †It was trying to present how Eliezer’s slowly loses his hope and faith in God. Eliezer’s faith was being challenged under such brutal condition, and many do not get their beliefs put to the test in such extreme condition as Eliezer did, and this leads Eliezer to question his faith. The meaning of hanging in this novel represent the bad conquers good, death and evil become apparent. The goodness that had been present prior to concentration camp had been destroyed through death, evil and abandonment. Every killing that Eliezer witness deteriorated his faith and finally after witness the sad eyed angel, it was the end of hope for Eliezer, he finally understood the murderous nature of concentration camp, and he could not walk away unaffected by the hanging. At last, Eliezer walked away as a completely different person than how he entered.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
A Deeper Insight of “The Cask of Amontillado†Essays -- essays researc
A Deeper Insight of â€Å"The Cask of Amontillado†     It is Edgar Allan Poe’s intense use of symbolism and irony throughout â€Å"The Cask of Amontillado†that establishes the short story as a candidate worthy of analysis. The skillful use of these devices are utilized by the author to create this horrific and suspenseful short story. Irony and symbolism in â€Å"The Cask of Amontillado†greatly effect the outcome of Fortunato’s well being.      â€Å"The Cask of Amontillado†should be regarded as a slice of a horror story, which revolves around the theme of revenge and pride†(Levine 90). â€Å"Poe’s story is a case of premeditated murder. The reader becomes quickly aware of the fact that Montressor is not a reliable narrator, and that he has a tendency to hold grudges and exaggerate terribly, as he refers to the thousand of injuries that he has suffered at the hands of Fortunato†(Womack NP). The story relates a horrible revenge made even more horrible by the fact that the vengeance is being taken when no real offense had been given. Montressor is â€Å"one who will stop at nothing to get the revenge that he deems himself and his family worthy of, and another who's pride will ultimately be the catalyst for his death†(Benton 215).      â€Å" Irony is a manner of expression through which words or events convey a reality different from and even opposite to appearance or expectation†(Juvante NP). The use of such devices in this sto...
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Multiple Governments and Intergovernmental Relationships Essay
Multiple Governments and Intergovernmental Relationships To be successful as a unified or United States, meaning a group with the same but often times different agendas, a few things had to become true. First the individual governments of these states had to feel that their best interests were represented within the united whole. Second that their powers within their borders would not be encroached upon too much, and lastly that the benefits of an overarching federal government would outweigh any loss they experienced. This is a delicate cooperation that we will explore more in depth hurricane Katrina as an example. Hurricane Katrina Hurricane Katrina hit the golf coast on Monday August 29 2005, the eye of the storm hitting Sothern Louisiana, between New Orleans, and Gulfport Mississippi. This storm cause severer damage all along the cost, destroying homes, roads, and bridges as far as 12 miles in land (â€Å"Hurricane Katrina†, 2013). This author lived in northern Mississippi, a five-hour drive from the gulf coast, and lost power for days, as well as severe damage to his home, and the loss of seven 100+ year old trees. The worst damage though was within New Orleans Louisiana, where most of the city is below sea level and protected by an intercut system of levees, and sea walls. These levees broke and flooded most of the city, mixing with raw sewage and underground gasoline stores making a lethal cocktail, not fit for human habitation. As a result of this and a lack of proper cooperation within our government many people died. Cooperation In a catastrophe this large, no one-government entity can handle the issues alone. There must be cooperation at all levels of government. The local communities, which are affected probably, do not have any government infrastructure or resources to deal with the event. Next, the states are not necessarily equipped to handle these events. This would require stockpiles of resources just waiting for an event like this to take place. The Good The federal government and state governments knew this was going to be a hard storm, but must felt that it would not be any worse than the hundreds of hurricanes, which have hit the area prior. Still, the local communities prepared in the same way as before, issuing evacuation warnings, prepositioning National Guard, water and food around the suspected areas. The federal government also prepositioned the coastguard, and other resources around the affected area. These would have been efficient for a normal hurricane, but not for what happened (â€Å"Hurricane Katrina†, 2013). The Bad Unfortunately, the events that took place, with the gulf coast, the water surge, and the levees breaking in New Orleans were not predicted. The flooding made most of the region un-passable by normal modes of transportation. It took supplies, and resources far too long to reach the injured, and others in need. This was only compounded by poor decision-making and political finger pointing on the part of many and unfortunately, this resulted in further lost lives, and more injuries. How Could It Have Been Done Differently This is one of those difficult questions. Of course, hindsight is always twenty-twenty, but there is no reason, considering how chaotic something like a hurricane can be that any possible catastrophe should be ruled out. Before the Hurricane, officials actually stated that there was no way the levee system could be breached by the sea. This shows that there was a concern about it prior to the storm, yet it was ruled out as a possibility. Contingency planning was a failure here. There should be a contingency plan for anything no matter how possible. For example, the space shuttle had no less than 100 emergency landing sites throughout the world. This contingency plan did not have one plan with a backup plan it had a contingency plan and each contingency plan had another. No possible eventuality should ever be foolishly ruled out. The contingency plan for the hurricane should of included supplies, personnel, and equipment stationed inside the hurricane zone, in case there was difficulty getting into the area, which it was. Agencies such as FEMA, should have moved resources in, and protected them for the storm as opposed to station it on the outside of the area, and expecting an ability to move it in. Stationing the supplies and help outside the area shows that our government was hoping for a best-case scenario when they should have planned for the worst. Reference Hurricane Katrina. (2013). Retrieved from http://www.history.com/topics/hurricane-katrina
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Enlightened Philosophers Essay
John Locke, Baron de Montesquieu, Voltaire, and Jean Jacques Rousseau were all enlightenment philosophers. Each of these men had a particular view of government, society, and its citizens and they were all passionate about their works. Locke (1632- 1704) was an English philosopher, his ideas had a great impact on the development of political philosophy and he is widely regarded as one of the most influential enlightenment thinkers. Montesquieu (1689- 1755) believed that all things were made up of laws that never changed. His most famous work, The Spirit of Laws, outlined his ideas on how government would work best. Voltaire (1694- 1778) was a poet, an essayist, playwright, historian, and above all, a critic of society. He was a great crusader for liberty and was twice imprisoned for his writings. Rousseau (1712-1778) generally recycled older enlightenment ideas but is well known for his passionate rhetoric, which enflamed a generation and beyond. John Locke’s view of government was that it was good to have one. The people may put their trust in the government so that in turn, the government may trust the people and protect their rights. â€Å"The reason why men choose and give power to lawmakers is that there may be made, and rules set, as guards and fences†¦ The people are right in trying to put the laws in the hands of the government which will protect their rights. (Excerpt from Locke’s Two Treatises with Government) †. Within the government, there were societies. Lock felt that the people needed/ wanted a government to protect their rights. They don’t, however, want to be victims of power abuse by the government. â€Å"The reason why men enter into society is to preserve their property. (Two Treatises with Government) †. Every society is made up of citizens; he believed that People (lawmakers) will inevitably abuse their power at some point. When this happens, people should have the right to break free from the government. â€Å"When lawmakers abuse absolute power and try to take away and destroy the property of the people†¦ The people are then freed from any further obedience to lawmakers†¦ (Two Treatises with Government) †. If Locke were alive during the Renaissance period, his views may have shifted. Lock may have been less bold about his reasons â€Å"why men enter into a society†. The renaissance was a time of peace and prosperity. Humanism, self awareness, art, and science were a big deal and his view of people and their â€Å"state in nature†may have changed because people were thinking differently during those times. During the Protestant Reformation, times were also different and his opinion may have altered again. Locke may have not cared about the people as much because he was too busy criticizing the government/ churches. The Protestant Reformation was a time where people were very critical of the churches because they abused their power which is one of Locke’s philosophies; people want to be protected by the government, not abused. During the Scientific Revolution, however, people were big on science and the people; not so much the churches/ government so Locke’s view may have changed again. He probably would feel the same way about the government but less harsh about the people. As times change, so do peoples’ opinions. Baron de Montesquieu believed in a government slightly different than Locke’s. Montesquieu still believed in a central government but he thought that laws should be specific to different parts of the world where as different law may have to be enforced in different places. In his most famous work, The Spirit of Laws, Montesquieu says â€Å"Laws†¦should be adapted for the people for whom they are framed†¦they should be relative to the climate of each country, to the quality of its soil†¦Ã¢â‚¬ Montesquieu’s view of society, however, differed very much from Locke’s. Montesquieu felt that people become intoxicated on power when they have enough of it and they couldn’t handle having more than the person next to them. â€Å"Political liberty can only be found in moderate governments when there is no abuse of power. (The Spirit of Laws) †Montesquieu feels the same way about individual citizens as he does about the general society. People always abuse their powers. No matter how small the amount they have, they will push their credibility to the edge. â€Å"Constant experience shows us that every man invested with power is apt to abuse it and carry it as far as it will go. (The Spirit of Laws) †. As the renaissance came around, Montesquieu would definitely not have had such a bad opinion of man. As previously mentioned, the renaissance was a time for prosperity and there was a focus on humanism. Montesquieu believed that men will abuse any power that they are given but during the renaissance, people were much different. As for the Protestant Reformation, Montesquieu would probably feel the same way as his original philosophy. Nobody liked each other during the Protestant Reformation but the liked the government/ churches even less. There’s no doubt that people would abuse their power and the government should be split in 3 sections. However, during the Scientific Revolution, Montesquieu would feel the same about the people and probably would view the government the same way. During the Scientific Revolution, people were recovering from the Protestant Reformation but it was the abuse of power that put them there in the first place and they needed a stable government. Jean Jacques Rousseau was similar to Locke in his belief of a government. Rousseau believes that government is necessary for stability but only to an extent. If the king/ government should go against the people, they have a right to demand their freedom. â€Å"No one – not even a king – has the right to go against the community as a whole. If a ruler was tyrannical and went against the will of the people the social contract is broken and the people had a right to demand their freedom (The Social Contract)†. Rousseau’s view of society was also good in that he did not criticize anything; he merely made the observation that in a society, people all have to abide by all the same rules because this keeps them at bay. â€Å"The essence of the social contract can be stated simply: each individual surrenders all his rights to the community (The Social Contract). †Rousseau’s view of citizens basically adds onto his view of how they react in society. He believes that people want to live amongst each other in peace; they want to be protected and live by certain guidelines to ensure prosperity. During the Protestant Reformation, Rousseau’s ideas would have changed drastically. People were definitely not living in peace and the government/churches were what got them into a mess in the first place. During the Protestant Reformation people were basically at war with the church and anyone who disagreed with their opinion. During the Scientific Revolution, people need a stable government because of what happened during the Protestant Reformation. However, people also wanted to live in peace with the government and their neighbors and whoever else. Rousseau would have felt the same about the government and about how people were living their lives during the Scientific Revolution as he would have from his original philosophy. Voltaire does not seem to care much for the government, â€Å"He was a great crusader for liberty and was twice imprisoned for his writings. †His view of society was that people should be accepting and understanding of each other; when people do not accept each other and their ways of thinking, nothing good will come of it. â€Å"Tolerance has never brought about civil war. Intolerance has covered the earth with destruction (A Treatise on Toleration). †When it comes to individuals, Voltaire is lighter with his words; he doesn’t penalize them for his distaste in the government. Voltaire believed that people should have certain unalienable rights that cannot be revoked unless they are causing some sort of a public disturbance. â€Å"Each person must be permitted to believe and to think that which he rightly believes in. Each person should be able to speak freely as long as it does not disturb the public order. Each person must be able to freely practice any religion which he believes in†¦ (A Treatise on Toleration). †Voltaire would have the same feelings about the government and about the people during the Protestant Reformation. It was a time when nobody liked the government/ churches and the people wanted their rights because they were losing faith in religion. During the Scientific Revolution people wanted their rights because they weren’t big on religion anymore, so, Voltaire probably would have felt the same way as his original writings. In conclusion, each philosopher had their own ideas and ways of thinking about the government, different societies, and its citizens. Each man may have also been influenced differently by the Renaissance, Protestant Reformation, or the Scientific Revolution. These enlightenment philosophers have left their mark on history and will always be remembered as influential figures.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Examples of Social Facts and Their Negative Impact
Examples of Social Facts and Their Negative Impact Social fact is a theory developed by sociologist Emile Durkheim to describe how values, culture, and norms control the actions and beliefs of individuals and society as a whole. Durkheim and Social Fact In his book, The Rules of Sociological Method, Durkheim outlined social fact, and the book became one of the foundational texts of sociology. He defined sociology as the study of social facts, which he said were the actions of society. Social facts are the reason why people within a society seem to choose to do the same basic things; e.g., where they live, what they eat, and how they interact. The society they belong to shapes them to do these things, continuing social facts. Common Social Facts Durkheim used many examples to demonstrate his theory of social facts, including: Marriage: Social groups tend to have the same ideas toward marriage, such as the appropriate age to get married and what a ceremony should look like. Attitudes that violate those social facts, such as bigamy or polygamy in the Western world, are regarded with disgust. Language: People living in the same area tend to speak the same language. In fact, they can develop and pass on their own dialect and idioms. Years later, those norms can identify someone as being part of a particular region. Religion: Social facts shape how we view religion. Different areas have different religious strongholds, with faith being a regular part of life, and other religions are considered foreign and strange. Social Facts and Religion One of the areas Durkheim explored thoroughly was religion. He looked at the social facts of suicide rates in Protestant and Catholic communities. Catholic communities view suicide as one of the worst sins, and as such, have much lower suicide rates than Protestants. Durkheim believed the difference in suicide rates showed the influence of social facts and culture on actions. Some of his research in the area has been questioned in recent years, but his suicide research was groundbreaking and shed light on how society affects our individual attitudes and actions. Social Fact and Control Social fact is a technique of control. Societal norms shape our attitudes, beliefs, and actions. They inform what we do every day, from who we befriend to how we work. Its a complex and embedded construct that keeps us from stepping outside the norm. Social fact is what makes us react strongly to people who deviate from social attitudes. For example, people in other countries who have no established home, and instead wander from place to place and take odd jobs. Western societies tend to view these people as odd and strange based on our social facts, when in their culture, what theyre doing is completely normal. What is a social fact in one culture can be abhorrently strange in another; by keeping in mind how society influences your beliefs, you can temper your reactions to what is different.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Maia, Greek Nymph and Mother of Hermes
Maia, Greek Nymph and Mother of Hermes The Greek nymph Maia was the mother of Hermes (in Roman religion, he was called Mercury) with Zeus and was associated, by the Romans, with the goddess of spring, Maia Maiestas. Background and Personal Life A daughter of the Titan Atlas - he of the big muscles and carrying the world on his shoulders - and Pleione, Maia was one of the seven mountain nymphs known as Pleiades (Taygete, Elektra, Alkyone, Asterope, Kelaino, Maia, and Merope). Her sisters went on to marry some bigwigs in ancient Greece, but Maia snagged the biggest of them all - Zeus himself! Her son Hermes was proud of his heritage, saying in Euripides Ion, Atlas, who wears away heaven, the ancient home of the gods, on his bronze shoulders, was the father of Maia by a goddess; she bore me, Hermes, to great Zeus; and I am the gods servant. Although Zeus was already married to Hera, that didnt stop him from loving on nymphs and mortal women alike. He and Maia had a fling. In the, their affair is recounted: Ever she avoided the throng of the blessed gods and lived in a shadowy cave, and there the Son of Cronos [Zeus] used to lie with the rich-tressed nymph at dead of night, while white-armed Hera lay bound in sweet sleep: and neither deathless god nor mortal man knew it. This caused Maia to give birth to their precocious baby boy. She hid out from Hera in a cave on Mount Cyllene. In the Virgil has Aeneas mention, Mercury: Your sire is Mercury, whom long beforeOn cold Cyllenes top fair Maia bore.Maia the fair, on fame if we rely,Was Atlas daughter, who sustains the sky. When I Grow Up... In Sophocles play Trackers, the eponymous nymph of the mountain recounts how she took care of baby Hermes: This business is a secret even among the gods, so that no news of it may come to Hera. Cyllene adds, You see, Zeus came secretly to Atlass house ... to the deep-girdled goddess ... and in a cave begot a single son. I am bringing him up myself, for his mothers strength is shaken by sickness as if by a storm. Hermes grew up really fast. Cyllene marvels, He grows, day by day, in a very unusual way, and Im astounded and afraid. Its not even six days since he was born, and he already stands as tall as a young man. Half a day after his birth, he was already making music! The Homeric Hymn (4) to Hermes says, Born with the dawning, at mid-day he played on the lyre, and in the evening he stole the cattle of far-shooting Apollo on the fourth day of the month; for on that day queenly Maia bare him. How did Hermes steal Apollos oxen? The fourth Homeric Hymn recounts how the trickster was really into stealing his older half-brothers herds. He picked up a tortoise, scooped out its meat, and strung sheep gut across it to create the first lyre. Then, he cut off from the herd fifty loud-lowing kine, and drove them straggling-wise across a sandy place, turning their hoof-prints aside by sweeping them away. So he took fifty of Apollos best cows - and covered his tracks so the god couldnt find them! Hermes killed a cow and cooked up some delicious steak, but when he came home to Mama Maia, she wasnt too thrilled with his knavery. Hermes replied (no doubt in baby talk), Mother, why do you seek to frighten me like a feeble child whose heart knows few words of blame, a fearful babe that fears its mothers scolding? But he wasnt a baby, and Apollo soon discovered his misdeeds. Baby Hermes tried to fake sleep, but Apollo wasnt fooled. Apollo brought the baby before Zeus - a tribunal of their dad! Zeus forced Hermes to show Apollo where the cows were hidden. In fact, the infant deity was so charming that Apollo decided to give his domain as lords of herdsmen  - and all his cattle - to Hermes. In exchange, Hermes gave Apollo the lyre hed invented - and thus lordship over music. -Edited by Carly Silver
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Supply and demand Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Supply and demand - Essay Example Logically, this will ensure maintenance in the revenues. It is evident that elastic demand is dependent on sensitive buyers compared to inelastic demand all influencing shifts in the quantity of units consumed. Cross price elasticity of demand ensues when the unit prices of a certain good escalate thus forcing an increment on the demand for a different product (Anderson, 2006).CPEoD= (%ÃŽâ€. Therefore, CPEoD affects demand of substitutes since an increment in the price of a product (x), leads to increment for the product Y’s price, its substitute. CPEoD influences complementary goods on the basis that an increment or decrement in the demand of one product equally affects the other since they are consumed together (Benassy, 2008). Substitute goods refer to products whose utility supplements the function of another product. For instance, one can substitute tea with coffee. Therefore, increase in tea price while the price of coffee is constant results to high demand of coffee (Anderson, 2006). On the other hand, complements are goods that are not necessary and therefore, increase in their price leads to low demand. For instance, dà ©cor and design, which enhances serene of a place, amount to complementary goods (Benassy, 2008). Income elasticity of products’ demand measures the relationship that exists between change in quantity of demand and income change. A rise of income leads to increase in demand of certain products or vice versa. Normal goods always bring a positive elasticity of demand therefore, as income rises, demand also increases (Anderson, 2006). On the other hand, inferior goods results in a negative income of elasticity of product demand. Demand decreases as income increases. The availability of substitute product is the most determinant of cost elasticity of demand. The more goods and services have better substitutes, the more the demand is elastic for those goods and services. For instance, an increment in coffee prices
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