Saturday, May 23, 2020
Literacy Is A Fundamental Basis Of A Student s Academic...
Literacy is a fundamental basis of a student’s academic success. Without the skills of language, reading, and writing, children will have limited academic, economic, social, and emotional success in school and later in life (Maddox Fung, 2013, p.3). According to the National Assessment of Educational Progress, 33% of U.S. students in elementary schools read below the basic reading level (NAEP, 2009). During this time, the Common Core initiative was in works to ensure that all students across America were graduating high school ready for college, career, and life. In 2010, a majority of the United States adopted the Common Core State Standards [CCSS]. Within these expectations the language, reading, and writing strands were developed for all grade levels. These three strands were developed to prepare children to become literate. The CCSS are the most effective way to implement goals for literacy education, for American students to succeed not only in school, but in the future. First, it is important to understand what it means to be literate and why being literate is important in today’s society. To be literate today means much more than being able to read and write. For a child today, it means that they are better able to create, critique, and analyze material. It is important to obtain these skills due to the rise in technology. Children need to be able to read, analyze, and evaluate what they find online in order to succeed in school. Building upon these skillsShow MoreRelatedRoles And Impact Of Of Academic Listening Skills1290 Words  | 6 PagesThe roles and impacts of Academic listening skills on EAL international students in New Zealand Colleges and Universities (B) The continuous increase in the number of international students mostly from non-native English speaking countries such as China, Iran, Malaysia and India, travelling to study in New Zealand is alarming. 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The contemporary mea ning has been expanded to include the knowledge to use languageRead MoreRole of Education in 21st Century2997 Words  | 12 Pagespebbles at sea-shore while the great ocean of knowledge lies before me’. Since then, knowledge has grown enormously at a much faster speed than human ability to cope with it. Technological advancements of twentieth century, especially during post 1970†²s due to revolution in the field of information technology, have changed the whole scenario. Entering into world of knowledge is like going into a dense forest. 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Tuesday, May 12, 2020
China - 2063 Words
How far can the establishment of the People’s Republic of China in 1949 be considered the key turning point in the development of China in the years 1900-2000? During the years 1900-2000 there were many turning points in Chinas history. We saw such things as The fall of the Qing Dynasty and imperialism February 1912, The warlord era 1915, The rise of the nationalists 1928, The formation of the PRC in 1949, The Korean and Vietnam wars 1950 and 1964, Nixons visit in 1972 and Deng Xiaopings Third Plenum. The key Turing point in Chinas history would have to be the rise of Deng Xiaoping in 1976. The reason behind this is by looking at social political, economic and international development Deng achieved greater positive development†¦show more content†¦The formation of the People’s Republic of China in 1949 started extensive development in China. This was all or-castrated by Chinas communist leader Mao Zedong. There were many positive developments socially in China. For example, due to the great support from the peasants Mao decided to reward them by giving them land that was once leased to them by the landlords. This lead to ab out 500000 landlords being prosecuted and sentenced to death or forced labor camps. These reforms in 1951 were a big development in china as it was the first time the peasants seemed to be represented let alone a stake in China. Along with this development of Chinese peasants owning their own land there was a 22% increase in grain yield the following year after their reforms however, this is limited in that during the great leap forward in 1958-62, Mao brought in new legislation that all farms would be made into large communes under state control, run by the PLA (Peoples liberation army). The limitation showed in this point is that Mao was reversing his decision to give the land to the peasants but also this lead to the great famine where 30,000,000 people died as a result due to production of food falling by 63% andShow MoreRelatedThe Between China And China980 Words  | 4 Pagesfairness and impartiality in the justice system, which along with its capitalist economy, further di fferentiated itself from China. This concept of â€Å"one country, two systems†is an important element of Hong Kong governance, and by extension, its people. This represents a time when Hong Kong is slowly pulling its influence away from China. Due to its insulation from China that ran a communist government, Hong Kong was able to flourish as an international financial center under a free market economyRead MoreChina s Impact On China1181 Words  | 5 Pagesmany decades, China has always been technologically and economically ahead of Europe. The invention of gunpowder, printing, and the compass started in China and was later dispersed throughout Europe. These inventions changed China as much as they changed Europe. These inventions also caused a gap between China and Europe. By the late eighteenth century, industrial revolution first started its spread from Europe.The transformations within Europe began to further accelerate while China was falling behindRead MoreChina677 Words  | 3 PagesSui Dynasty (589 – 618 CE) was a short lived Imperial Chinese dynasty, preceded by the Southern and Northern Dynasties. It unified China for the first time after nearly four centuries of north-south division. It was followe d by the Tang Dynasty. Founded by Emperor Wen of Sui, the capital was Chang’an. His reign saw the reunification of Southern and Northern China and the construction of the Grand Canal, connecting the Yellow and Yangtze River for easy trading. The canal was used to carry riceRead MoreRural Life Of China And China1122 Words  | 5 PagesMaria Elena Granera Ms. Lopez AP Economics 7 November 2014 Rural Life in China â€Å"In China’s rural hinterland, where half the nation’s 1.3 billion people live, incomes are, on average, less than a third of those in cities†(The New York Times). Economically, rural China depends mainly on agriculture, but socially, sex inequality and diseases prevail in this part of the country. Villages, mostly populated by the country’s ocean of elders, are getting poorer while the cities are getting richer evenRead MoreMoney Frauds : China And China994 Words  | 4 PagesAgainst Money Frauds China is one of the countries that have the highest yearly rate of frauds. Although the China governments have uploaded many promotional videos on preventing the crooks, but can we really get away from the fraud base on those videos? The risk of fraudulent activity is increases every year in China. The China government should establish a special department to help people to prevent from the money frauds, because frauds are the problem that affects people a lot and also becauseRead MoreThe Guanxi Between China And China1741 Words  | 7 PagesIntroduction The Guanxi phenomena is exclusive to China and is very apparent in everyday life, it can be used in the personal dealings or at the business level. Guanxi concept is not completely alien to the rest of the world, it is apparent in a slightly different, more modest form. Most of people would be aware of bribery (it is an act of giving money or gifts that alters the behavior of the recipient), which would be someway linked to guanxi concept. The main difference is that bribery recognisedRead MoreChina s Rural Crisis : China1403 Words  | 6 Pagesexternal pressures that caused the eventual collapse of Qing society. Foreign imperialism highlighted China’s backwardness to its own citizens and, and also heightened the already existing conflicts within China itself. It directly challenged the cultural nexus of power, which held China together for hundreds of years. This system combined the imperial examination system, standard marketing community, language of lineage, and popular religions to promote the cultural form of governance. TheseRead MoreTrade Imbalance Between China And China1365 Words  | 6 Pagesnations in the eastern hemisphere. China was one of those nations. China was a nation known for isolating itself from outside influen ce, especially from the Europeans. Soon the Europeans began to grow jealous of China s bounty of enticing goods and resources such as porcelain, tea and silk. China on the other hand did not have any need for European goods. In pursuit to put a halt to the trade imbalance between the two nations, Britain started to smuggle opium into China. The reason behind this was becauseRead MoreTrade Imbalance Between China And China1674 Words  | 7 Pagesporcelain were much desired by European and had a huge demand in the Western market. In England, tea was the most desired Chinese good and trade in tea was very lucrative. However, this created a trade imbalance because Western goods had no market in China. China was a self-sustaining country and that make it harder for Western merchant to trade with them. Apart from that, the merchants had a hard time getting into Chinese market and had to deal through Chinese middlemen in Canton. At this point, the BritishRead MorePoverty in China1079 Wo rds  | 5 Pages12/3/14 Poverty in China FRIDAY October seventeenth was Chinas first official â€Å"Poverty Alleviation Day†, a yearly assembly of discussions and pledge drives, intended to rally deliberations to battle hardship. Obviously, because of Chinas quick financial advancement, the nation as of now assuages a great deal of destitution every day: a year ago the quantity of rustic poor fell by 16.5m or in excess of 45,000 individuals every day. However that still left 82.49m individuals stuck in country
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
You Are What You Wear Free Essays
Whoever said â€Å"clothes make a man†had the right idea about people perceive each other on the first look. Whether you like it or not, a big part of the first impression that we make when you meet someone depends on how you look – which is basically how you’re dressed. Looking good is an obsession with people these days. We will write a custom essay sample on You Are What You Wear or any similar topic only for you Order Now We love to keep up on the latest trends and make sure we’re sporting the latest fashion. Just take a look around you. Bangalis seem to be really catching up with the rest of the globe when it comes to fashion trends these days.The fashion industry is rapidly carving itself a sizable niche here. Compared to even a few years back, boutiques and fashion houses are popping up everywhere. There’s more opportunities opening up for the fashion junkies with school offering degrees in fashion designing to help people unleash their creativity when it comes to showcasing their sense of style. In our frenzy to become more fashion forward, there’s always a little collateral damage that comes with the territory whenever you try to keep the pace. In a society that’s undergoing a major transition, we seem to have missed the mark on a few trends that we adopted from our neighbors. Trying to adjust them into our own way of doing things, some The other day I was sitting at the cafeteria of my university campus and realized that there’s a lot of people who just put things on because it’s in fashion. Not to sound completely judgmental, but if you show up to school with a 80’s style bouffant ending in a long braid, wearing a highly embroidered shalwar kameez with very dressy jewelry, people will wonder about the occasion.It’s fun to browse through people’s varying tastes, but some ensembles make you really wonder what brought it on. When asked what the occasion was, my very dressed up classmate replied, â€Å"the 80’s are in†¦ don’t you watch movies and soaps?! †I got a similar reply from another person when asked about the new style of kameez that look a lot like frocks. These frock-dresses worn with churidar shalwars are tagged the â€Å"Anarkali Kameez†, and are rather popular amongst people. How appropriate they are for day at the university, or at work even is a question I want to ask but really can’t. The most ridiculous of all modified desi fashion trends, in my opinion, is however the â€Å"short†trend. There are some that take the ankle length shalwar trend so seriously that they gave birth to a new phenomenon. Lo and behold, it is the â€Å"three quarter†shalwar which ends an inch or two inch above your ankle. It looks nice in summer when short fashions are in. Personally I think it’s a great way to incorporate the cropped look into desi clothes.On the downside though when you’re all wrapped up in warm shawls in winter, cropped shalwars really don’t make a very good fashion statement. Incidentally, if you really want to wear a short kameez, make sure it’s a kameez and not a kurta or a fatua you’re sporting over a shalwar. Put on an actual fatua with a traditional shalwar and try on the look. It kind of looks odd. Then there are the western trends that we try to emulate and sometimes end up looking rather odd. Come winter, everyone brings out the jackets and jeans. It’s the one season in the whole year when you can sport western fashions without being called â€Å"inappropriately dressed†. Then again, if you decide on a jacket with a fur lined hood for a day out in the Bangali winter, I would like to ask why. I mean, when it’s still sunny all day in the middle of November do you really need a fur lined hooded coat? I’m sure Beyonce wore something similar in a video last week, but she lives in Northern America where it snows. Also, boots in Bangladesh are a little ridiculous if you ask me. They are cute, but honestly†¦ what occasion could possibly call for boots, even in winter?The closest thing to boots one might even want in this country are probably rubber boots in monsoon when the streets are water logged and you have to wade through muck anytime you decide to walk. Sadly enough though, the thing that really brings out the worst in people is when you put on clothes regardless of whether they look good on you. Like my afore-mentioned classmate, there are way too many people who wear clothes just because they are in fashion. One of my closest friends showed up to class the other day wearing super tight skinny jeans with a short shirt.Catch was, she’s on the heavier end of the scales. Her excuse, â€Å"everyone wears them†. Yet, upon a good look in a full length mirror she admitted it did nothing for the extra pounds she added on during the last eid holidays. Recently though, besides bollywood trends and soap opera fashions, a lot of people seem to be picking up on western fashion trends. The â€Å"emo†trends seem to have really made a mark on the younger crowd in Dhaka. Everywhere you look, there’s a kid with the side swept bangs and dark clothes with a brooding attitude.But, here too are those that get the look right and the ones who couldn’t decide halfway between Emo, Hannah Montana and Beyonce. The effect I must say is rather alarming when you mix the three. Needless to say, thank god they haven’t discovered Lady Gaga. What you wear, really does define who you are the first time someone looks at you. The best way to make a good impression is to make sure you look well-dressed – which means you are appropriately dressed for the occasion and look good in what you wear. Showing up at a job interview looking like you’re on your way to a wedding is hardly the best way to present yourself.While a lot of people would write off fashion as something fickle and not worth wasting too much time on, I personally think it’s important to put a bit of effort on how you look. Although, while keeping up on the latest fashions and looking good is important, it’s also good to know what look works for you. If you cannot pull it off, don’t put it on. Nine out of ten time’s you will end up looking rather out of character. It’s good to experiment and have a look that sets you apart from the rest. On the other, it’s good to bear in mind – not everyone is Lady Gaga. How to cite You Are What You Wear, Papers
Sunday, May 3, 2020
Poetic Devices and Examples Essay Example For Students
Poetic Devices and Examples Essay Similes: figures of speech that compares two unlike things, using the words Like or as. His feet were as big as boats. Alliteration: the repetition of consonant sounds at the beginning of words. Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers. Metaphor: a figure of speech that compares two unlike things directly, without the use of like or as. Her hair Is silk. Personification: assigning human qualities to non-human things. The tropical storm slept for two days. Onomatopoeia: words that imitate sounds. Boom. Gurgle. Plink. Hyperbole: an expression of exaggeration. l nearly died laughing. Symbolism: using an object to represent an Idea. A symbol means what It Is and also something more. Lions often symbolize royalty. Puns: words with a humorous double meaning, a play on words. A dog not only has a fur coat but also pants. Idioms: expressions that have a meaning apart from the meanings of the individual words. Its raining cats and dogs. Foot: the time period into which the beat of the poetic line is divided. A foot is made p of several syllables, some long and some short. Meter: refers to how the feet are put together to form lines of poetry. The combinations of long and short syllables give poetry a musical feel. Rhythm: the pattern of long and short syllables in a poetic line. In modern poetry, some words receive greater vocal emphasis than others. Lyrics: what poets write, the actual words used to form the framework of rhythm and meter. Mood: the overall feeling the poem creates. Mood, or tone, for example, can be playful, sad, lonely, angry or Joyful.
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